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The cost of a car insurance policy can vary wildly from company to company. In many ways this is to be expected. After all, if everybody charged exactly the same rate, there would be no need for the broad spread of insurers that we now have. It is for this reason that many people choose to actively compare quotes and seek out a better deal.
So why should you bother comparing quotes?
Well, you don't want to end up spending more than you need to, do you? If getting another quote could potentially save you money, particularly when it is a substantial amount, it's usually worth taking a few extra minutes to have a look around.
Unfortunately it's not an exact science. You could spend hours comparing prices only to find that your first offer was the best. This is just one of the risks that you have to take and what puts many off comparing car insurance quotes.
To make this whole process quicker and easier you might want to instead use a dedicated car insurance comparison service or site. Whilst a reasonably new addition to the insurance market, comparison sites have become hugely popular with consumers for their ease of use and ability to save significant sums of money.
How do car insurance comparison sites work?
Effectively comparison sites all work by pinging out applications to a number of leading insurers and obtaining a quote on your behalf. This is often completed within a matter of minutes, if not seconds. The success of these sites is largely dependent on the amount of insurance companies that they have and any special deals that they are able to offer as a result of deals made with said insurers.
As a consumer, all you need to do is fill in your details once and then click a button. This streamlines the whole process, allowing you to save time contacting each provider independently.
Using intermediariesYou may also find that there are a number of intermediaries that offer a form of comparison service. Rather than providing you with a list of competing quotes, these sites will provide you with a best quote from their panel of insurance companies. This is another way of refining your search and reducing the amount of time wasted in finding a policy.
It's a strange quirk of the car insurance industry, but by getting your policy through a third party you can sometimes actually save yourself even more money. Of course that's no bad thing and all parties will generally benefit from any such deal.
Whilst cost is the motivating factor for most, it's also important that you get a car insurance policy that manages to meet your requirements as a driver. For instance, you don't want to find that you're not covered when you come to claim for something that you believed to be a generic or fundamental part of your policy. As such, don't simply look at the headline figure, make sure you read what you're actually getting for that price.
Sidenote: an insurance premium refers to the monthly payment that is due to keep your insurance policy in effect. A deductible refers to a one time payment made (often $100, $250, $500, or $1000 depending on your plan) if you have an accident and must file an insurance claim. In theory the insurer will cover any additional expenses above and beyond the deductible you pay to them.Why so Expensive?
Are bad credit motorcycle loans possible? This is a question I am asked over and over again, whether it is just meeting a person on the street or though e-mail from a person that found my motorcycle financing website. Well the short answer is yes bad credit motorcycle loans are totally possible even if you have a bankruptcy on your credit report. However, there are certain things you need to consider before looking for a bad credit cycle loans because you can be taken advantage of just because you have poor credit.
If you have bad credit and need a motorcycle loan, the best advice I can give you is do not let someone tell you that you have to pay document fees, extended protection, Gap insurance or other add on products to get approved. Sure you may have to sacrifice for a higher interest rate on your bad credit motorcycle loan, but you do not have to get taken to the cleaners with a bunch of other fees.
It is the above reasons that it is important to try to sometimes go straight to the lender and find a lender that will finance bad credit motorcycle loans I am not going to tell you that it is easy to get approved like if you had good credit but if you work a bit you can find motorcycle lenders specializing in bad credit. Here are some options you may want to consider.
1. Online Motorcycle Lenders: The nice thing about working with online motorcycle lenders is that you are going directly to the lender and there is no middle man involved with placing you in a loan that may put you in a bad situation. Going directly to the lender for bad credit motorcycle loans is always better in my opinion because the lender does not want to place you in a loan you will default on. On the other hand, going through a middle man you will find the middle man will want to place you in a situation where they will make the most money which could be a very bad loan for you.
2. Credit Union: Your local credit union may buy bad credit motorcycle loan more often than the average loan at a dealer because the credit union only has a small percentage of its overall loan portfolio in bad credit motorcycle loans. This allows them to control losses a bit better than a dealer because they have other thinks finance not just motorcycles. So they may approve bad credit motorcycle loans a dealer will not touch.
3. Personal Loans: Many people with poor credit tend to many times go for personal loans. I only recommend this option as a last resort, but I would much rather a bad credit applicant get the credit straight before getting a personal loan. The reason being is personal loans typically have very negative terms for motorcycle buyers and they can sometimes have interest rates in the 30% range. This is not a good situation for a motorcycle buyer.
4. Local Banks: Sometimes local banks can be an option for finding bad credit motorcycle loans, but typically they are stricter than Credit Unions. So check with your online motorcycle lender or credit union before going to a local bank. But similar to a credit union, local banks probably do not have a ton of their loans in motorcycles so this helps you chances of getting approved sometimes. Many times the less experience a bank has with motorcycle loans the better for you because they can sometimes evaluate bad credit motorcycle loans the same way as a car loan which typically is much more lenient.
So in a nutshell, if you are looking for bad credit motorcycle financing it is totally possible. It will require you to do a little more research than the http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.giftypical person with good credit, but your efforts will be well worth it when you are riding your new motorcycle. The best thing for you to consider is not getting frustrated if one lender turns you down, because there is definitely a bad credit motorcycle loan out there waiting for you. You just have to start online or at your local credit union to get going in the right direction to financing your motorcycle.
There are many reasons for having bad credit. Some credit scores are easily brought back to par by checking your credit report and making sure your personal information is up to date. Other things can happens to your report as well, such as your credit report might show UN paid bills that you know you have paid. Things like this can be disputed with proper proof of payment. On the other hand there are issues such as bankruptcy, divorce, unpaid loans, tax liens etc. That makes up a nasty credit score. The only way to fix these types of things is with time & budgeting.
Every one knows motorcycles are great fun so the want for one is valid. They don't use a lot of gas, you don't have to worry about playing taxi for your friends and all in all it is a reliable means of transportation. If you want that bike bad enough you are going to get it, but think it through. A good saying to live by is "If you find yourself in a hole....quit digging!"
Like mentioned before motorcycle loans for military with bad credit aren't hard to come by, but what is going to be hard to come by is getting a reasonable APR. If you want that loan you are going to pay for it largely in interest. The better bet is to work on your credit score first before you make your purchase!
Timothy Gorman is a successful webmaster and publisher of Military-Loans-Online.com. He provides more military auto loans, home loans, payday loans and military motorcycle loans [http://www.military-loans-online.com/motorcycle-loans.html] that you can research in your pajamas on his website.
Believe it or not, but applicants for military loans and motorcycle loans for those with bad credit exhibit a surprising array of similar characteristics that separate them from the general users of lending services offered by sub-prime lenders. For one thing, the demand for these two types of loans has taken a significant upward trend over the last decade, with demand for both increasing at about the same rate of growth.
Sub-Prime Lenders
Do not be put off by the connotation of sub-prime. It is not meant to make anyone feel inferior. It is a typical term in the lending markets. It simply refers to lenders who are willing to take a risk on borrowers who do not have the best credit ratings or credit histories. And many military loan and motorcycle loan applicants seem to have somewhat speckled pasts when it comes to credit histories.
Traditional Lenders
Traditional brick and mortar financial institutions, such as credit unions and banks, put a lot of stock in applicant credit ratings before offering a loan. These traditional lenders have tightened their credit policies making it much harder, for even the financially endowed, to get a loan nowadays. Unfortunately, military loans and motorcycle loans for those with bad credit are not exempt.
Gap In Lending Services
Noticing this gap in lending services, private lenders have stepped forth to tap into this market. However, if you have had long-standing accounts with traditional institutions, or if you have retirement or investing accounts with them, you should apply to them first. Your interest rates will be lower. If this is not the case, you should probably should just skip the hassle of applying with them and find a private lender for your military loan or motorcycle loan for those with bad credit.
Be Prepared to Shop
Since you already know that you have a poor credit rating, your best bet would be to seek lenders who specialize in military loans and motorcycle loans for those with bad credit. Before you do, you should prepare yourself. Check your credit ratings with each credit bureau. This will let you know precisely how lenders view you financially. Seek correction for any mistakes. Also, gather your documentation:
- Bona Fide Government Identification
- Proof of Job and Salary
- Checking Account Number (direct deposit)
- Proof of Residency
If you are looking for a motorcycle loan, you should have a model and a price pretty much squared away. Do not already have a deal signed. Walking onto a dealer lot with pre-arranged financing lets you call the shots when seeking a deal..
Loan Shopping
As mentioned earlier, the market has seen a significant rise in sub-prime lenders. You should be able to pick and choose to find the best interest rates, the lowest fees, and the most comfortable repayment terms. Many of these lenders have set up shop on the internet for military loans and motorcycle loans for those with bad credit. Just as you would for any transactions completed on the web, such as filling out financial and personal information forms, or loan applications, make sure the website is secure.
Know Your Lender
Check the reputation of the lender by browsing online Better Business Bureau listings and personal finance forums. Use the key phrases: Military Loans. Motorcycle Loans. You will be rewarded with website addresses of many lenders. You will even find brokers who will take your general and financial information and come up with a list of lenders most likely to approve your application for a motorcycle loan or military loan for those with bad credit.
Shopping for a motorcycle before shopping for a motorcycle loan.
Many motorcycle buyers enter the showroom looking for a motorcycle before they determine how much money a motorcycle lender is willing to loan to them for the purchase of a motorcycle. There is no need to shop for a $20,000 Harley Davidson motorcycle, if a lender is only willing to provide a loan amount of $10,000.
Additionally, once motorcycle buyers enter the showroom slick salespeople often pressure them into motorcycle loans with much higher internet rates than they could have gotten had they shopped for a motorcycle loan at a bank, credit union or online. Salespeople do not like motorcycle buyers to leave the dealership to get a motorcycle loan. In the salespersons mind this only increases the chance of losing a sale and commission. Therefore, salespeople frequently try for a quick sale which normally results in pushing motorcycle buyers to get motorcycle financing at the dealership.
The bottom-line is that it is always best to shop for a motorcycle loan before entering the showroom.
Diving into the unknown motorcycle loan.
Motorcycle buyers often jump into motorcycle loans that they do not completely understand or may not be the best alternative for them. For instance, in today's age manufacturers frequently run credit card motorcycle loan promotions on their private-label credit cards. But these promotions typically offer a low interest rate for a short term like 12 or 24 months and have a much higher interest rate after the short promotional term. On a credit card promotion if motorcycle buyers can not afford to pay off the loan during the short promotion period, then they are typically better finding a lender offering an installment motorcycle loan for a longer term.
Borrowing too much.
The most common mistake the first time motorcycle buyer makes in not having a clear sense of how much motorcycle they can afford. This is especially true for young motorcycle buyers who look to buy the top sport bikes that cost up to $10,000 - $15,000. What they fail to realize is that financing a $10,000 - $15,000 motorcycle can stretch them to thin, resulting in them having little cash to enjoy themselves and the motorcycling lifestyle. They may also have too little cash to pay for insurance, maintenance, registration or new accessories for their motorcycle.
Not asking the right questions.
The first warning sign that motorcycle buyers should see is that if they do not understand the type of motorcycle loan, then they should be sure to ask a lot of questions.
Here are some good questions to ask:
o Is the interest rate fixed or variable? If fixed how long will it be fixed for?
o Are there circumstances that can make the interest rate on the motorcycle loan change in the future?
o What happens if a payment is 30 days late? Does the interest rate increase?
o What happens if a payment is 60 days late? Does the interest rate increase?
o How long is the term on the motorcycle loan?
o If the loan is an installment loan, does it use rule of 78 or simple interest? (Simple interest is always better because it does not penalize the motorcycle buyer if the loan is paid off early.)
o What is the down payment requirement to get the motorcycle loan?
o Is full coverage insurance required?
o How much is registration and are these fees included in the motorcycle loan?
o Are there any administrative fees to get the motorcycle loan and if so how much are the fees?
Overall, motorcycle buyers can avoid these common mistakes by spending a little extra time focusing on shopping for a motorcycle loan and asking lots of questions
The automotive industry has run into an invisible wall in aerodynamics. In the last few years, most cars have aerodynamic coefficients of around 0.3. This is a good value, however, it is hardly pushing the boundaries of what is possible.
In 1989 the Opel Calibra was launched with a drag coefficient of 0.26.
Yes, the Calibra had some advantages in terms of the basic shape, it was a long, low coupe. But this is 2009, 20 years have passed since then. Yet, we have only a handful of cars that come anywhere near this value. One is the Toyota Prius with a Cd of 0.26 and the other is the Mercedes C Class Blue Efficiency with a Cd of 0.25. Meanwhile the 2009 Prius has been revealed and is claimed to have a Cd of 0.25.
So we are finally again at the point where we were 20 years ago. I find that very disappointing. I understand that there need to be some compromises for design, practicality and everyday usability, but I believe we can do better than this.
Lets take the VW Polo Blue Motion, for example.
This is basically the same car as the Polo 1.4 TDI, but it has some tweaks in gearing, aerodynamics and rolling resistance. They have fitted a grille with less ventilation holes in it and a roof spoiler to reduce the wake resistance of the car and a different front bumper. This, combined with narrower tires, takes the Cd down from 0.32 to 0.3. Now if it is this easy, why not produce every Polo like this? Instead of putting on the normal grille, put on this aerodynamic grille. How much does that cost you?
Meanwhile the Audi A2, which came out in 1999, had a Cd of 0.28 (the standard version).
Ten years down the line, the VW Polo comes in with 0.32. The 3L TDI version of the Audi A2 even had a Cd of 0.25, and the Blue Motion version of the VW Polo is 0.3, but 10 years later. Note that the Audi A2 had no such advantages like the Calibra in terms of basic shape. It is a small hatchback like the Polo. Are we making any progress here? I believe that we can get down to the range of ~0.2 in the near future. I think we could have been there already. What is holding us back is the priority of the styling and practicality over the aerodynamics of the cahttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifr. The basic shape of the car is not penned by people who have a clear understanding of aerodynamics.
The Audi TT was an example of a car designed with no regard for aerodynamics. The sloping rear window design produced a lot of rear axle lift at high speed. There were high speed accidents and several people died. Then Audi acknowledged their mistake and fitted the TT with an ugly rear spoiler, some suspension changes and electronic stability control. Somebody should have said during the design stage, "That back window is the ideal angle of a wing, that is not gonna work on a car!"
Sometimes, the practicality aspect of it comes into play. When you have a sloping roofline, which is good for aerodynamics, that decreases the available rear headroom. Yet, in many cars, this compromise is perfectly acceptable for styling reasons.
Someday, somebody has to be bold and design a car with a Cd of 0.2. Of course, it has to have nice styling, and exceptional fuel economy. That is how you will get people to buy such a car.
Why is all this important? Because at highway speeds, wind resistance is the main force you need to overcome and it is directly proportional to the drag coefficient Cd. Changes in the drag coefficient translate almost directly to fuel consumption at highway speeds. In this climate of energy saving, instead of discussing how to power a car, should we not first reduce the amount of power that is required to move it around?
Someday the auto industry will again get moving with regards to aerodynamic innovation. I just hope that day comes sooner rather than later.
Most car buyers don't relate choosing car colors with safety when buying a car. Your car's color is most often dictated by personal preference or sometimes by availability. It's rare to encounter someone who says to you that the color was chosen because it was safer.
There has been a lot of anecdotal evidence that certain car colors are more accident prone than others. The myth that red cars are more crash-prone probably came from the fact that sports cars are usually red and fast, aggressive drivers and sports cars statistically are involved in more accidents. The question is, does the scientific evidence back it up?
Some large companies have done color studies which show that some colors are beneficial and some do distract. For example, users of the Windows operating system will see that the default icons are predominantly blue. Blue is a color that has been proven to actually help calm people. Mercedes reportedly conducted a study several years ago on the subject of color visibility. The most highly visible color is Industrial Yellow while dark red or maroon is the least visible and can actually appear invisible in your peripheral vision at certain times of the day. Due to the way the receptors in the eye work, that color becomes virtually invisible in dim light such as dusk and early morning.
A couple of publicized studies in 2002 and 2003 found that white, yellow and silver cars seemed to be involved in less accidents compared to other, darker-colored cars. But Australia's Monash University Accident Research Center found these studies inconclusive and set about conducting one of the most comprehensive studies on the relationship of car colors and crash risk. Vehicle exterior finishes were categorized into several broad colors and variables such as lighting factors, vehicle type and crash severity were taken into account. Commercial vehicles were also excluded as they could skew the results.
The Monash University study concluded that black, blue, grey, green, red and silver were associated with higher risk during daylight hours, sometimes by as much as 10%. Night time evened out the risk factors because colors are practically indistinguishable in the dark. Interestingly, the study found that white was not statistically safer compared to other light colors. Note that the data for this study was culled from car crashes in Australia. But car colors' influence in accidents pale in significance to driving behavior that is decidedly risk inducing.
Using a mobile phone and driving while fatigued or drunk are risk factors that are significantly more dangerous than having a higher risk vehicle color. Driving faster than the posted limit is also a high risk behavior that a low risk vehicle color cannot mitigate. The advent of DRLs (daytime running lights) may be irritating for some but this helps visibility a lot and this innovation helps cut back the risk of driving a dark-colored car. It's safe to say that you should choose the color that makes you happy and just practice safe and defensive driving habits.
Mercedes new F-Cell vehicle is being marketed as a car that's "virtually invisible to the environment." That's because the hydrogen fuel cell electric car, which converts compressed hydrogen into electricity to drive the motor, has only one emission: water vapor.
To promote the car's invisibility, Mercedes equipped one side of the car with sheets of LEDs that show streaming images captured by a Canon 5D Mark II camera attached to the other side of the car. The car blends into the background, making it nearly invisible.
The car should be going into production in 2014, and although "invisible" won't be one of the color choices, its 240-mile range should still appeal to folks.
In 2009, BMW overtook Mercedes Benz as the best selling luxury car manufacturer in India for the first time. But Mercedes has no intention of going quietly into the night. Their line-up now features the all-new E Class, as well as the newly Introduced 7-seat GL SUV. But leading the charge is a refreshed, and lengthened, flagship 8 500L.
The wheelbase of the 8 500 has been stretched by 13 centimeters to ensure that corporate honchos and / or world leaders in the back aren't left wanting for leg room. However, BMW stretched its 7 series by one centimeter more, 14 to be precise, in the 750Li. 80 let's delve a little deeper, shall we - to see if the 8 500L can once again profess to be the 'best car in the world,' and reclaim the top spot on the sales charts for the coveted three-pointed star?
From the outside
The current generation S class was introduced in 2005-in India in 2006-and preceded the svelte W220, which, in appearance, was the epitome of understated elegance. The W221 grew to be far more aggressive and shapely, while finding a happy medium between the tank-like S class of yesteryear and the sleek Mercs of today. In 2009, Mercedes tinkered with the S Class in an effort to bring its appearance up-to-date by adding an array of now customary LED lights-both front and rear.
The front end looks more purposeful with added chrome and a redesigned bumper, as well as a more pointed edge. At the rear, this Mercedes flagship wears its S 500 badge proudly. It also has a massive set of rectangular dual exhausts that hint at the serious firepower under hood. The design, on the whole, has just the right combination of curves and creases-the end result is a car hat looks a dominant force going down the road, which of course, is the point.
From the inside
At the recent launch of the S sooL, Dr. Wilfried Aulbur, MD & CEO, Mercedes Benz India, pointed out that this particular model is the most expensive car ever made in India, as it's being carefully assembled at their new state-of-the-art facility in Pune - unlike its Bavarian compatriot, which comes in fully assembled as a CBU. And you need only set one foot inside the cabin of the S 500 to see that it is, indeed, money well spent. In fact, even as you open the doors, you notice the individual shockers in each door to ensure that you don't expend any more energy than absolutely necessary to open and close the soft-close-doors - should your chauffeur be slow to react for some godforsaken reason.
Once inside, there's acres of room in the rear, and every surface has a quality feel to it - even the buttons look decidedly decorative, and feel just as good. There was a time in the recent past, during the days of the Daimler-Chrysler merger, when you could in fact find fault with certain pieces of interior trim in a Mercedes - even in an S Class. But such asuggestion is unequivocally banished into the dusty pages of the history books by the current models.
It's eerily silent in the cabin - ideally suited, I suppose, to plan strategy for your next corporate takeover and / or military coup, depending on your line of work. This car is meant to soothe its occupants. In fact, legend has it that Mercedes actually strapped heart rate monitors onto occupants of the S Class, as well as cars made by rival manufacturers, in an attempt to prove that the heart rate of those in the S Class was, on average, roughly five beats-per-minutes less than that of people in other cars.
And it's the little touches that achieve this, such as seat massagers that truly provide the illusion that there are a team of masseurs hiding in the seatback, and head rests that are so soft and fluffy that they truly cradle your head - so that you can do your best thinking presumably. And while it was very business-like in the all-black interior of our test car, the panorama roof was brilliant, and it made the already expansive interior feel even bigger. However, if you are feelingbusinesslike, there are exquisitely moulded walnut tray tables that fold out of the seat backs. On the contrary, if you'd like some R&R, simply recline your seat, and pull out a bottle of your favourite beverage from the fridge in the back - accessed from in between the rear seats.
You can also watch a DVD on the two screens mounted on the back of the front headrests for added entertainment. In fact, even the front passenger can watch a DVD while the car's on the move - courtesy of 'Splitview' technology incorporated onto the 8-inch high-definition TFT screen in the center console, which allows the driver to view vehicle functions from his vantage point, while, at the same time, the front passenger can watch a movie from his. You also get a now customary USB input in the glove box that allows iPod connectivity quiteeasily - unlike in the 7 series, which requires a proprietary cable from BMW. The Harman Kardon Logie-r surround sound system delivers eoo-watts of absolutely astonishing sound quality from its 14 speakers for your choice of media, whichcan range from an iPod, USB stick, SD card, to CD / DVD, or even 2,500 of your favourite tunes in MP3 or WMA format saved in a 7.2 GB in-built hard disc.
And for the driver, there's the Command system that navigates through vehicle functions via a screen on the center console, as well as a multi function steering wheel that controls a myriad of other functions, including Bluetooth connectivity - all of which is displayed on the instrument cluster in direct view of the driver. In order to display all the requisite information, the S Class has a digital speedometer projected on an LCD screen - complete with faux speedo needle. The good thing is that all these various bits of technology work extremely well together to keep you both well informed and relaxed at the same time. Oh, and you can also change the colour of the mood lighting in the car to suit your present disposition - ranging from Solar (yellow), Polar (blue), To natural (white).
On the road
The S 500 doesn't feel propelled so much by an engine, as it does by an invisible force. The 5.4 litre V8 that produces 370 horsepower is sublime-as is the 7-speed automatic transmission to which it's mated. The engine really is incredible smooth-it feels exactly the same at 1500 rpm as it does at 6500. The gearbox, meanwhile, has similar qualities, as shifts are instant and indistinguishable. That being said, there's nothing subtle about how the S class thunders down the road-leaving on-lookers and passengers in absolute disbelief that something this large can move quite so swiftly.
The S 500 gives up about 40 horsepower to the BMW 745Li, and while you do feel the deficit on occasion, it's only because the motor in the BMW appeared to be stolen from a rocket launcher. Nevertheless, Mercedes claim a 0-100 km/h acceleration time of, brace yourself, 5.4 seconds! Step on the acceleration pedal, and the whole car shrinks around you in a manner that you don't quite expect. If you imagine that the current S class will feel large and lumbering to drive, you're in for either a rude shock or a pleasant surprise-depending on your point of view.
Nevertheless, the rate of progress you can achieve in this car is staggering.150km\h is achieved in the smallest of open spaces with consummate ease-in case you're running late for a board meeting that is, And, based on how far behind schedule you really are, you can choose between three driving models-comfort, sport, and manual. Comfort, as the name suggests, ensures that engine and suspension are ideally suited to waft you from place-to-place. Sport mode, on the other hand, readies the suspension for some hooliganism, and the engine revs considerably freeier as well. In manual mode, you can change gears via paddles mounted behind the steering, which means you can hold higher revs in lower gears and burn a barrel or two of oil quicker than in a jet plane. Of course, since the S Class is engineered in Germany, these different engine and chassis setting actually do work.
The Active Body control courtesy of the air suspension ensures that the car remains defiantly flat through the corners. In fact, you can even turn off the traction control and have a little fun-in a two-tone S Class! Go into a corner too fast, and the car will understeer, but not in a way that's recalcitrant. Instead, the chassis communicates what it's doing in an effort to keep the driver informed of the physics defying feat that's being attempted. And if you're a little more clever, you can use the power being driven to the rear wheels to enjoy lurid power slides-I use the term lurid loosely of course, since the traction control cuts is despite being turned off if it feels like you're having a little too much fun.
The S Class, in keeping with its pioneering spirit in terms of technology, also has a battery of technological feats, such as adaptive cruise control, which even has the ability to bring the car to a complete halt by itself, parking guidance, which is optional, but can park the car largely by itself, infrared night view assist, also optional, but useful, pre-safe, which braces for an impact if things go pear shaped, and adaptive headlights, which, of course, are fantastic. you can even manually raise the ride height if you're going over some exceptionally bad roads-of which we have plenty. The brakes and ABS are phenomenal, which goes without saying really-we did test them nonetheless.
After experiencing the S 500L,let's just say our suggestion would be to appear magnanimous, and allow the chauffeur extended paid leave.
The competition may be treading on its toes, but you have to admit that there is something about the allure of the S Class that plays into its image of being an automotive icon, which has been carefully created over all these years. It still feels like the right car for the ruling elite. And if you're lucky enough to be able to write a check for one, you're still buying into that heritage. The 7 series BMW is by far a more serious drivers' machine - whereas the S Class does astonish you from behind the wheel, the 7 series simply blows you away.
But that also plays into the hands of the Mercedes somewhat, since being less driver oriented means that the ride comfort, and therefore rear seat comfort, in the Mercedes is unparalleled - it does seem to spoil you a little bit more than the BMW. The S Class may have become the predictable choice to demonstrate to the world that you've arrived - but it's by no means the wrong one.
Drag racing, a contest between two cars beginning from a complete stop over a distance of a 1/4 mile (1320 feet) depends heavily on first 60 feet of the race, or the launch. The technique used for launching varies greatly depending on the how the car is equipped. The type of transmission, which wheels are being driven, tires, power, suspension and track preparation all play key roles in how to go about getting the best launch possible from the car.
The best possible launch is obtained by obtaining the optimal balance of applying the most amount of power to the ground with the least amount of wheel spin. If too much power is applied during the launch and the tires spin, the resulting 60 foot time will be poor. The same goes for not applying enough power, thereby causing the car's engine to bog, and having the car limp off the line slowly.
When launching a car with an automatic transmission, a technique called power braking is used. After properly staging the car at the drag strip's staging lane, tightly hold down the brake with one foot, while slowly applying the accelerator peddle with the other foot. The car's engine RPM (revolutions per minute) should slowly increase to a point where the car will either start to move or start spinning the tires. Hold down both the brake and accelerator peddles just below the point where the car is starting to move or spinning the tires. When the christmas tree lights reach the last amber light before the green, lift off of the brake and slowly push the gas peddle all the way down. The correct RPM to launch at will be different every car depending on all of the variables mentioned earlier. Start conservative with the first launch and keep increasing the RPM at which the car is launched at during the subsequent runs. If the car starts spinning the tires after the launch, lower the launch RPM and try again.
When launching a car with a manual transmission come to a complete stop after the car is properly staged. Press the clutch in all the way with one foot while pressing the accelerator peddle down with the other foot, raising the engine RPM to a constant moderate level for the first launch. Lift up on the clutch peddle to the point where the car is just about to start moving and hold both peddles still. When the christmas tree lights reach the last amber before the green, slowly release the clutch while quickly applying the accelerator peddle enough to launch the car quickly, but not too much to induce a large amount of wheel spin. Start conservative with the first launch and keep increasing the RPM at which the http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifcar is launched at during the subsequent runs. If the car starts spinning the tires too much after the launch, lower the launch RPM and try again.
To obtain better launches and bring down 60 foot times even more, the use of drag radial or full slick tires can be used on more powerful cars that have trouble launching at any RPM on regular street tires. Drag radials and full slicks usually require a burnout to heat up the tires and clean them from debris for optimum performance. A burnout is a rapid spinning of the car's tires while the car stays relatively still.
All wheel drive cars (AWD) are typically the easiest to launch because the engine's power is distributed to 4 wheels instead of two. Rear wheel drive (RWD) cars typically launch better than front wheel drive (FWD) due to the transfer of weight to the rear tires during the launch, causing an increase in traction. If the car has aftermarket adjustable suspension, adjustments can be made specific for drag racing to increase the weight transfer to the driving wheels.
The track's launch pad preparation also plays an important role in how well and how hard cars can launch. The launch area is usually prepped with traction compounds to add to the stickiness of the track. A well prepped track will definitely help drop 60 foot times and result in lower 1/4 mile times.
During the breaks and cool down periods between drag racing runs, make detailed notes about how you launched on the back of each timeslip. These notes can help you diagnose launching issues, fine-tune subsequent launches and show improvements in the search for The Perfect Launch.